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TÄKT - 07

Starting at $5,295

for Wool Flocked

Starting at $4,995

for Foam Panels

The TÄKT 07 is a true professional's saddle. Close contact panels with an amazing balance for the rider. Generous gullet channel which provides lovely spine clearance, slight curve to the tree front to back. Every rider comments about how stable their leg feels, and there is no fighting for the correct position. No compromises here, with unparalleled comfort for both horse and rider.


Your choices include buffalo, smooth, and luxury printed leathers in a multitude of colors to give you the aesthetic you desire. TÄKT fitters will discuss customized saddle options with you from color and leather choices to custom block options, to panel design and billet placement.

The TÄKT 07 is available in both a wool and close contact panel.


Seat sizes: 16.5", 17", 17.5", 18", 18.5"

TÄKT - 07 Stock Saddles For Sale

Please Note: Available Inventory Subject to Change

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